DAN DRYER has, since its founding, distinguished itself by integrating its Viking logo as a central part of the company’s identity and branding. This logo, which is protected as a registered trademark, symbolizes not only strength but also an unwavering dedication to...
Security through Trademark Pre-screening

Security through Trademark Pre-screening

Security through Trademark Pre-screening – An Essential Investment for Your Company’s Brand At Budde Schou, we understand how crucial it is to take the right steps when companies are preparing to launch a new brand. One of the most important elements in this...
Vestergaard Company

Vestergaard Company

Vestergaard Company is a family-owned business with roots in Denmark that has built a strong position in the production and development of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) for the aviation industry. The company has existed for over 50 years and is particularly known for...
Carmo A/S

Carmo A/S

Carmo A/S is a Danish company with a long history in the production and development of high-quality plastic components. The company was founded in the 1940s and has since established itself as one of the leading players in the market, both nationally and...


Realfiction er en dansk virksomhed, der specialiserer sig i at skabe innovative visuelle oplevelser gennem avanceret  display teknologi. Virksomheden blev grundlagt med en vision om at bringe de mest banebrydende og engagerende visuelle løsninger til markedet, og de...