
Henrik Ørsnes

Biokemi, Bioteknologi, Kemi

Of counsel / European Patent Attorney / European Patent Litigator

Uddannelse: Cand.scient. (Bioteknologi), Odense Universitet, Ph.D. (Biokemi), Syddansk Universitet i samarbejde med ETH Zürich (Schweiz), Emory University (USA) og ATOMKI (Ungarn). Master of Advanced Studies in Intellectual Property, ETH Zürich (Schweiz).

Teknisk ekspertise: Bioteknologi, biokemi og kemi, herunder især organisk kemi, analytisk kemi og tilhørende instrumentudvikling.

Generel baggrund: European Patent Attorney. Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe. Hos Budde Schou A/S siden 2019.


  • Rådgivning, bistand og sagsbehandling vedrørende ansøgninger om patent, brugsmodel og supplerende beskyttelsescertifikat (SPC) nationalt og internationalt
  • IP Due Diligence-undersøgelser
  • Freedom to Operate-analyser
  • Bistand ved krænkelsessager og andre konflikter inden for patentområdet.

Medlemskaber: ADIPA, EPI og FICPI.

Sprog: Dansk, svensk, engelsk, tysk og fransk


1. Ørsnes, H.; Bohatka, S.; Degn, H. (1997) Reaction of Water at Hot Filament Interferes with Measurements of Dissolved Gases by Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 11, 1736-1738.

2. Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T.; Bohatka, S.; Degn, H. (1998) Rotating Ball Inlet for Continuous Mass Spectrometric Monitoring of Aqueous Solutions. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 12, 11-15.

    3. Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T.; Degn, H. (1998) Stopped-flow Mass Spectrometry with a Rotating Ball Inlet: Application to the Ketone-Sulfite Reaction. Anal. Chem. 70, 4751-4754.

    4. Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T.; Degn, H. (1999) Measurement of Inorganic Acids with Rotating Ball Inlet Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 390, 185-192.

    5. Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T.; Degn, H.; Murray, K. K. (2000) A Rotating Ball Inlet for On-Line MALDI Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 72, 251-254.

    6. Ørsnes, H. (2000) Pittcon 2000 – Recent Advances in Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Air Sampling Techniques. Chimia 54, 367-370.

    7. Schmidt, E.N.; Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T.; Christensen T.; Degn, H. (2001) Monitoring Organic Compounds in Aqueous Solution by Rotating Ball Inlet Mass Spectrometry with Continuous Wave Infrared Laser Desorption. Sensors Actuators B. 76, 411-418.

    8. Ørsnes, H.; Zenobi, R. (2001) Interfaces for On-Line Liquid Sample Delivery for Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry. Chem. Soc. Rev. 30, 104-112.

    9. Baier, G.; Müller, M.; Ørsnes, H. (2002) Excitable Spatio-temporal Chaos in a Model of Glycolysis. J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 3275.

    10. Degn, H.; Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T. (published April 1999) Dosing Unit and a Method of Continuous Introduction of Liquid Solution Samples into a System. Patents granted in EP and US based on WO9920329.

    11. Degn, H.; Ørsnes, H.; Graf, T. (published September 2001) Dosing Unit with Electrically Polarised Moving Member. Pending national/regional phase applications in US and EP based on WO0171767.

    12. Ørsnes, H.; Daniel, J.; Zenobi, R. (published April 2002) Atmospheric Pressure MALDI with a Continuous Flow Probe. Pending European application (EP1193730.Sprog: Engelsk og tysk.