Steen Wadskov-Hansen is appointed to a prestigious EU-position

Steen Wadskov-Hansen is appointed to a prestigious EU-position

Steen Wadskov-Hansen, CEO and partner at Budde Schou has recently been appointed judge with the European Unified Patent Court. Following year-long preparations the European Unified Patent Court became a reality in the beginning of 2022. The new court is a reinforced...


The biggest task of this century is to reduce the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, to slow down climate change.One key technology is to capture any emitted CO2 to prevent it from affecting the climate. But how can we store this captured CO2 in a safe and permanent...
The Unitary Patent and The Unified Patent Court

The Unitary Patent and The Unified Patent Court

After years of effort, the so-called Unitary Patent (UP) and the accompanying Unified Patent Court (UPC) are now becoming a reality. Denmark ratified the agreements already in 2014, and with Austria’s ratification in January 2022, the final practical...


Cambi is a world-leading technology and solutions supplier for medium-sized and large biogas plants. For more than three decades, this Norwegian company has been developing and continuously improving a proprietary process technology for treating large volumes of wet...