Cambi is a world-leading technology and solutions supplier for medium-sized and large biogas plants. For more than three decades, this Norwegian company has been developing and continuously improving a proprietary process technology for treating large volumes of wet organic waste streams to improve anaerobic digestion. Through their award-winning solutions, Cambi is enabling cities and industries to become carbon-neutral.
What is thermal hydrolysis?
The process, known as thermal hydrolysis, exposes the feedstocks to high temperature and pressure, followed by a rapid pressure drop. In this way, the organic matter is thoroughly sterilised and then disintegrated, with significant operational, economic, and environmental advantages.
Who uses thermal hydrolysis and why?
Through Cambi’s proven process, it is possible to achieve a new level of energy and material recovery. The thermal hydrolysis process enhances biogas production and enables a circular economy in practice. Water utilities and other companies invest in Cambi’s technology to recover more renewable energy in the form of biogas from wastewater sludge, food waste or other wet organic wastes, as well as to reduce the costs associated with further processing and reuse of the resulting biosolids product.
Thermal hydrolysis fits different biosolids management strategies, including drying, incineration and land application. The high-quality product with soil characteristics is rich in nutrients and appreciated by farmers. Irrespective of strategy, the process is associated with the lowest carbon footprint related to sewage sludge management. Reducing climate gas emissions is an increasingly important project driver in many markets.
Where is thermal hydrolysis in use?
Cambi’s solutions have been adopted in 25 countries on all continents, serving more than 100 million people and saving at least 1 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions each year compared to the next best available option for each project.
Important cities using the company’s thermal hydrolysis installations include Copenhagen, Oslo, Brussels, London, Washington DC, Sydney, Singapore, and Beijing. Medium-size cities such as Fredericia, Næstved and many others have also been convinced by the solid business case and environmental advantages.
In short, Cambi plays a significant role in the global transition to sustainable, smart and living cities. Their solutions address the global challenges of simultaneously ensuring the sustainable use of water, food and energy resources in a circular economy.
You are welcome to find out more at www.cambi.com