About us

We are a market-oriented and specialised patent agency

Budde Schou

Indtrædelse ejerkreds

Jan Sørensen og Jesper Mark Wenzel indtræder i ejerkredsen

Entry ownership

Jan Sørensen and Jesper Mark Wenzel join the circle of owners

Indtrædelse ejerkreds

Henriette Damsgaard og Brian Jeppesen indtræder i ejerkredsen efter Leif Rørbøl.

Entry ownership

Henriette Damsgaard and Brian Jeppesen join the circle of owners.

Nyt navn og identitet

Firmaet forkorter navn fra Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S til Budde Schou A/S og får samtidig ny visuel identitet.

New name and identity

The company shortens the name from Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A / S to Budde Schou A / S and at the same time gets a new visual identity.

Steen Wadskov-Hansen joins the circle of owners

Steen Wadskov-Hansen joins the circle of owners after Bent Kjerrumgaard.

Steen Wadskov-Hansen indtræder i ejerkredsen

Steen Wadskov-Hansen indtræder i ejerkredsen efter Bent Kjerrumgaard.

100 years anniversary

The company celebrates its 100th anniversary (1901-2001).

100 års jubilæum

Firmaet fejrer 100 års jubilæum (1901-2001).


Budde, Schou & Co sammensluttes med Kjøbenhavns Patent-bureau (grundlagt i 1892).


Budde, Schou & Co merges with the Copenhagen Patent Office (founded in 1892).

Budde, Schou & Co grundlægges

Budde, Schou & Co grundlægges af civ.ing. Carl Budde, civ.ing. Cecil Wilhelm Schou og cand.jur. Viggo Blom.

Budde, Schou & Co are founded

Budde, Schou & Co grundlægges af civ.ing. Carl Budde, civ.ing. Cecil Wilhelm Schou og cand.jur. Viggo Blom.

Kjøbenhavns Patentbureau grundlægges
Copenhagen Patent Office is founded

About Budde Schou

Budde Schou is one of Scandinavia’s oldest and most respected firms of IP attorneys dating back to 1901. Counting about 30 employees, we are at the same time one of Denmark’s largest full-service IP firms holding comprehensive expertise within all aspects of intellectual property rights. Budde Schou offers advice and assistance to national as well as international corporate clients.

We hold invaluable experience in respect of technical and legal issues pertaining to our field. Our core business is drafting and prosecuting IP applications (patents, trademarks, designs and utility models) and providing consultancy services in respect of all IP related activities ranging from IP analyses to the establishment and enforcement of rights, including assistance in the development of an overall strategy as a business tool for commercial success.

Goals and vision

Budde Schou’s vision is to be the top most professional firm of IP attorneys in Scandinavia. We strive to be the natural choice for both local and international corporate clients in need of first rate IP counselling. In order to fulfil our vision, we constantly endeavour to provide advice of superior quality only while at the same time striving to specialize, further and perfect our professional skills.

Budde Schou Group

Budde Schou Group consists of Budde Schou International A/S and Budde Schou A/S in Denmark and Budde Schou AB in Sweden.

Budde Schou is one of Scandinavia’s oldest and most respected full-service firms of IP Attorneys.  We hold extensive expertise within all aspects of IP and provide IP advice and consultancy services to our many national and international clients.

At Budde Schou, we base our advice on experienced IP consultants – Patent Attorneys, Trademark Attorneys and Attorneys-at-Law – who all have a scientific or legal background combined with knowledge of and experience in the handling of IP rights.

We conduct specialized patent information searches within all technical fields. We specialize in retrieving and analyzing information from a large number of professional databases, using also our proprietary software tool Patent Tracer.

The patent information searches are provided by experienced information specialists who have a scientific background and extensive technical understanding coupled with experience in establishing search strategies and performing searches.

BUDDE SCHOU goes back a long way.

Business areas

Legal and technical advice and assistance within the entire IP area
Drafting and filing of applications for patent, utility model, trademark and design worldwide
Prosecution of pending applications before the Danish, the Swedish, the Icelandic, the European and the international patent authorities
Prosecution of applications for EU trademarks before the European trademark authority
Assistance as co-counsel/technical experts to attorneys-at-law in litigation based on patents, utility models, trademarks, designs and domain names
Validity Opinions and assistance in oppositions and litigation based on the validity of IP rights
Infringement Opinions and assistance in litigation based on infringement of IP rights
IP Due Diligence evaluations and Freedom to Operate analyses
Prior Art Searches and permanent watches on intellectual property rights worldwide
Renewals: patents, trademarks and designs
Assistance in licence negotiations
Assistance in the registration of domain names